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Zootom rules

Follow these rules for safe social networking

What we aim for?

Here at Zootom our aim is to offer a safe and secure space for your children and teenagers to socialise. To achieve this, it is important that we all abide by a set of common-sense rules. So long as your child follows these simple rules, you, as a parent, can relax while they are using our app as they will be kept safe by our human monitors who work 24/7 to ensure everything is okay. If a user is reported to one of our moderators they will act immediately and investigate. If a report is upheld then a sanction will be applied. In the most serious case this may result in losing access to our platform.

We encourage you to go through this with your child so that they can not only abide by the rules and avoid any sanctions but so that they can know when someone else is breaking them. If your child knows when the rules are being broken then they can make a report and keep this platform safe for them and their friends.

Please read the following with them:

– Do not share any personal information. This can include your real name, where you live, what school you attend.

– Do not share an email or phone number with anyone for outside contact as we cannot help you with anything as a consequence of this.

– When posting a pic be sure that it doesn’t show any personal information like your home or someone in school uniform for example.

– If a pic that you want to post has other people in it seek consent from them where possible.

– Do not upload any pics that you don’t own.

Copyright is something we take very seriously. Please don’t submit any photos or videos that you don’t possess the rights to.

– Respect all users.

Zootom aims to have users from every different background with different beliefs, customs and interests. As such, we insist that everyone respects everyone else.

– Hate speech will not be tolerated.

– Abusive conduct or bullying for any reason will not be tolerated.

– Religious intolerance will not be tolerated.

– Intolerance of a user’s sexuality or sexism will not be tolerated.

In essence, Zootom hope to provide the opportunities for people who may otherwise never meet to interact and learn from each other. Please, just behave to others as you would wish them to behave with you.

– Don’t miss this great opportunity to make friends by being fake.

– Do not submit photographs of someone else and pretend it’s of you. You are good enough.

– You are encouraged to post creative content that has been solely created by you.

– Do not copy from the internet or use another users’ content without proper consent.

– Always remember to be nice, it costs nothing but is worth so much.

Here at Zootom we encourage people to be friendly and creative in a safe space. We ask that you are always considerate of what you post. Even if you didn’t mean to it’s easy to hurt someone by accident.

– Do no harm

– Don’t bully

– Be nice.

Do you know how to make a report and how to end it in case you resolve an issue yourself?

When you become a Zootom user you can access others profiles. This allows you to unfollow and block an account. You may feel this is enough to resolve an issue with someone but if you feel they have broken a rule and you need help, you can just press the ‘more’ or ‘report’ button included on postings and comments. By doing this our moderator will be alerted and start an investigation.

In the UK you have to be aged 13 or over to sign up to most social media sites and this includes Zootom. We do welcome children aged 6 – 12, with their parents’ consent and we encourage parental participation. It is important that a child feels able to talk about their experiences and familiarising yourself with zootom should help you both to do this. You can talk over any issues they may have and be there to share the fun moments too.

Zootom is for children aged 6 to 12 and teens aged 13 to 17 years. There are strict rules in place to ensure that children aren’t exposed to the issues that affect teens, before their time and to keep Zootom an enjoyable safe space for everyone.

Our moderator team are constantly monitoring and reviewing accounts and messages for users that break the rules and are always alert for any reports from other users. They have the power to issue sanctions ranging from warnings to restricting access to blocking an account if they feel it necessary. If a user fails to act on a warning, they will find further sanctions imposed upon them until, ultimately, they risk losing their account if they do not modify their behaviour. A block can be imposed at any time, at our discretion and does not require any prior warning.

Thank you for taking the time to familiarise yourself and your child with these rules. With your help Zootom will flourish as the fun, entertaining, friendly safe space it is designed to be.