Children’s Online Privacy Notice
For users in America
Who operates this website?
Zootom Ltd
Clyde Offices
2nd Floor
48 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 1BP
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires us to inform parents or legal guardians about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information from children under the age of 13. COPPA also requires that we get consent from parents or legal guardians before we allow children under the age of 13 to use and interact with some sections, applications, and activities on our website. We offer users a number of activities, some of which are directed at children under the age of 13, and other activities that are targeted for users of all ages.
Verifiable Parental Consent
Should we want to collect personal information from a child, COPPA requires that we first obtain a parent or legal guardian’s consent. In an email (or other approved method) sent to the parent or legal guardian we will describe what information we would like to collect, how we propose to use it, how the parent can offer and cancel consent. If we do not obtain consent from the parent within a reasonable timeframe, we will remove the child and parent information collected with the request.
Information We Collect From Children, How We Use It, and Parental Rights
Children can’t register with our website or app to use our software, online applications, view content, participate in contests, receive emails, and engage in other activities. If this changes in the future, we may collect information from children by them doing so. When we collect personal information from a child, we will hold that information only as long as reasonably necessary to allow the child to continue to use and interact with our website.
During the registration process we may ask a child to give us information for security purposes, announcements, and notifications. This information includes a child’s date of birth, username, phone number, and parent or legal guardian’s email address, video with parent (for verification). Children can choose whether to provide their information to us; however our website features may not function without the required information.
To comply with COPPA requirements, on our app where we ask for the age of a user who is under the age of 13 we will ask for their parent or legal guardian’s email address before we collect any personal information from a child. If you think that your child is involved in an activity that collects personal information and you or another parent or legal guardian has not received a request for consent to collect such information, please contact us at legal@zootom.
Automatic Information Collected and Persistent Identifiers
When children interact with our website and services, specific information may automatically be collected. We collect this information to make our website and services useful to children and other users. We also use this information for internal business purposes, including improving our website, in particular it helps to maintain our safety procedures and software. Some examples of this type of information include the child’s IP address, mobile device identifier, type of web browser, type of operating system, online service provider used, and the regularity with which the child visits different parts of our website.
This data and information are collected using online technologies such as cookies, web beacons, and other unique identifiers that are explained below.
Computer Information Collected
We do not use cookies for storing any personal information. Our cookies only store an access token (which has no personal identifying information attached to it).
Our moderation software collects and checks all communications sent in our system (including the sender, the person receiving the message and the time/date). This is to help us ensure the system is working correctly and resolve any personal safety matters or breaches of our terms and conditions quickly and efficiently if needed.
How We Use Collected Information?
This information and data are primarily used for our own purposes in order to:
Let users and children access and use features of our website Improve the features and usability of our website Let us analyse data to see how our website is performing Email notifications to parents or in-app notifications to children
Sharing Information
We will not share a child’s personal information with other individuals or companies except in limited situations, including the following:
When other companies perform services for us, like customer support, email services, delivery services, call centers, data management services, help desk providers, and shopping cart providers; however, these companies are prohibited from using a child’s personal information for purposes other than those requested by us or required by law. Disclosing a child’s personal information if required or permitted by law, for example, in response to a subpoena, law enforcement, court order, or public agency’s request. To protect the safety of a child. To safeguard the security of our website and companies that provide services for us.
Parental Rights
As a parent or legal guardian you have the following rights regarding your child’s use of our website:
To review the personal information we collected from your child
To revoke the consent to use or further collect your child’s personal information
To request that your child’s personal information be changed or deleted
To allow the collection and use of your child’s information, but not allow disclosure to third parties unless it is part of our service
To send you a new notice and get your consent if we make changes to the collection, use, or disclosure practices to which you previously agreed
Parents can exercise their rights shown directly above by contacting us at